In many instances, the actual victimization lasts for years. This type of trauma has long-term and grave effects on all emotional, physical, and social areas of a victim's life. It all too frequently results in pathological attachment to the perpetrator, dissociative conditions, and a variety of attachment disorders.
- What sorts of factors are protective?
- What role may new important attachment figures play in the lives of victims?
How may new relationships be built? What should foster and adoptive families know so that they may provide a fresh start for victims and a resource from which they may develop a sense of secure attachment?
What forms of assistance, counseling, therapy, and prevention are most helpful to these people?
Leading internationally renowned experts and researchers will report on their recently conducted studies and evolving understanding of these issues. The aim is to sensitize us so that we are better able to integrate these new findings into our work.ons - when attachment figures become perpretrators.
Target group
This conference is aimed at physicians in all disciplines as well as psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, social workers, educators, youth workers, and all therapists and counselors involved in the diagnosis and treatment of psychosomatic disorders in infants, children, adolescents and adults. We also invite all professionals who provide care and support to psychosomatically ill patients in all age groups, such as teachers, nurses, remedial teachers, contact supervisors, occupational therapists, physical therapists, pastors, jurists, politicians, and adoptive or foster parents.
Conference folder 2015: Download